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Expert panel "Efficient governance mechanisms for the implementation of the strategy of socio-economic development of the region" of the XII all-Russian forum «Strategic planning in regions and cities of Russia»

The expert panel "Efficient governance mechanisms for the implementation of the strategy of socio-economic development of the region" of the XII all-Russian forum «Strategic planning in regions and cities of Russia»(Moderators: A.V. Klimenko, Vice-rector of the Higher school of Economics, Director of the Institute of state and municipal management, I.N. Ilyin, Director of the Institute for regional studies and urban planning), organized by the Institute of regional studies and urban planning, was devoted to the discussion of the topical issues of creating an efficient system of management for the implementation of strategies of social and economic development of the regions of Russia.

The expert panel "Efficient governance mechanisms for the implementation of the strategy of socio-economic development of the region" of the XII all-Russian forum «Strategic planning in regions and cities of Russia»(Moderators: A.V. Klimenko, Vice-rector of the Higher school of Economics, Director of the Institute of state and municipal management, I.N. Ilyin, Director of the Institute for regional studies and urban planning), organized by the Institute of regional studies and urban planning, was devoted to the discussion of the topical issues of creating an efficient system of management for the implementation of strategies of social and economic development of the regions of Russia.

The discussion was focused on the real practice of implementation of strategic documents. The main attention was paid to the analysis of the existing instruments and to finding new approaches to the formation of control mechanisms of the implementation of Strategies in relation to global changes in the Russian legislation. Was examined the question, what kind of difficulties arise in the regions of Strategies in conjunction with the development of the state regional and municipal programs, the formation of the programme budget, the monitoring of targets, the development of normative legal and methodological base. In their presentations the experts have identified key directions for the search of effective solutions to existing problems in strategic planning.

UPD: Expert Panel materials

Proposals on the section P1 «Efficient governance mechanisms for the implementation of the strategy of socio-economic development of the region»

In order to improve the effectiveness of mechanisms of implementation of strategies in the subjects of the Russian Federation, and also improve the quality of regional programmes offered:

· development of road maps for the implementation of Strategies for all the subjects of the Russian Federation;

· public involvement in the monitoring process and Strategies, mandatory annual publication of reports on the implementation of Strategies on the official sites of the regions;

· monitoring of the dynamics of the solution of priority tasks on the basis of strategic maps for regional governmental bodies (RGB) and balanced system of key performance indicators, containing 4 subsystems:

• industry indicators (indicators of the supervised RGB spheres of activity, to change the values of which the activity of the RGB affects indirectly);

• functional indicators (indicators, which are directly connected with the activities of the RGB);

• financial indicators (amount of funds spent by RGB on ensuring their activity and activity of the supervised institutions)

• performance indicators (satisfaction of the RGB by key stakeholders);

· development of mechanisms to implement as a whole strategy and individual strategic directions, as well as their взаимоувязанность within the management system implementation of the strategy;

· preparation of methodological recommendations on the development of effective механизмовреализации Strategies;

· use of the potential of constructive interaction of strategic and territorial planning.