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MIPIM - The international real estate show for professionals (12-15 MARCH 2013)

Director of the Center Irina Ilina took part in the work of a number of conferences and panel discussions held in the framework of the International conference.

MIPIM, the world's property market, brings together the most influential players from all international property sectors - office, residential, retail, healthcare, sport, logistics and industrial - offering unrivalled access to the greatest number of development projects and sources of capital worldwide.

I.N. Ilina took part in:
1. panel discussion «Development of Moscow agglomeration: new trends and opportunities», organized by the Government of Moscow, where the presentation of the project of development of the Moscow agglomeration, the «old» Moscow and the South-Western territories was held. The project was prepared by the Russian-French team Grumbach-Wilmotte, which also include the Center for regional studies HSE. Also in the presentation of the project took part famous French architects Antoine Grumbach and Jean-Michelle Wilmotte, Borina Andrieu.
2. conference "Swedish experience of sustainable development of cities"
2. seminar "the state - private partnership for implementation of large-scale urban projects as an expert on the proposals for the development of a Large Moscow.
