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Institute at Forum on “Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities: striving for sustainable development goals” (19 - 20 May, Rome)

Director Irina Ilina made a presentation at Session 7: Smart sustainable cities in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: the way forward. 

Web-site of the Program: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/Workshops-and-Seminars/Pages/201605/programme-20160518.aspx

Presentation Abstract:
Title: Assessment of the potential of Russian cities to transition to the Smart City Model

The "Smart City" strategy is one aiming to meet the needs of present and future generations with respect to sustainable development. The purpose of the strategy is twofold, to enable the self-development of the populace and to ensure sustainable development. 

A key challenge for today's Russia, which still is not on the path of comprehensive modernisation of the economy, is the introduction of new models of urban development to address numerous, large-scale urban problems using information and communication technologies, other high-tech solutions, and new urban management strategies.The application of the “Smart City” model to Russian cities can potentially be a driver of development yet the particular adaptation of world practices to the Russian context is yet to be developed.When applying this new paradigm there is a need to clearly define goals and parameters aiming all development strategies towards them.

There is already a methodology in place which can be used to evaluate the potential of Russian cities to implement a "Smart City" model. The assessment included Russian cities with a population of over 100 thousand people (total - 164 cities). The assessment score included seven indices each made up of several indicators. Evaluation was conducted in four categories of cities with sorted by population size: more than 1 million people; from 500 to 1,000 thousand; from 250 to 500 thousand; from 100 to 250 thousand.It was concluded that only a few Russian cities have the maximum potential for the introduction of "smart model" development in short-term period (2025-2030). 

For a more active implementation of the smart city model a five level assessment matrix is proposed for the development of cities. The Matrix in question is a kind of "social constructor" that allows taking into account specifics of the socio-economic development level of the given city, its potential and needs of its residents in the formation of the "smart development" model. Some cities may begin their implementation of "smart development" with "smart environment", another city with "smart power", etc.

Effective and comprehensive development of one “level” or “stage” of the Smart City process opens the door to further steps in the improvement process, but no matter the starting point nor the stage at which a given city is at, the goal or pinnacle is the same.

 Pres-S7-3-Irina-Ilina-Forum-Rome-May2016 (PPTX, 1.05 Мб)

 Profile of Irina Ilina: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/Workshops-and-Seminars/Pages/201605/Bio-Abstracts-18-19May2016ForumSSC/Session7/ILINA-Irina.aspx