Lecturers by Professors of School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University
The lectures were provided within programm of academic mobility between HSE and Cardiff University. Professor Paul Milbourne Head of the School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University and Lecturer of School Andrew Williams visited Institute for regioanl studies and urban planning and gave two lectures (Brexit and the agri-food system in the UK: from migrant labour crises to the possibilities of food justice by Professor Paul Milbourne and Religion, spirituality and addiction treatment: new critical perspectives by Dr Andrew Williams).
National Conference with International Participation ‘Complex Research and Cooperation in the Arctic: Interaction between Universities and Research Institutions’
On February 26th and 27th, 2015, the conference ‘Complex Research and Cooperation in the Arctic: Interaction between Universities and Research Institutions’ took place at the Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University. The event attracted leading researchers and university professionals who study the Arctic. Institute of Regional Studies and Urban Planning (IRSUP) researchers Irina Ilyina, Alexander Minin and Olga Khoreva participated in the conference.