Institute at RSA Russia Conference 2018
The 2018 RSA Russian conference was held 22-23 October and takes place within the Russian All Russia Strategic Forum in St Petersburg. The conference brought together researchers and practitioners from different countries interested in urban and regional development, new development path creation, and urban and regional resilience.
Open lecture by Michinaga Kohno "Strategy of applying the latest concept of "smart cities" in the metropolis (challenges and tasks for Moscow) ".
On October 10, 2018, Michinaga Kohno, former Vice President for strategy, President and Executive Director of Michi Creative City Designers Inc, delivered an open lecture at the Higher school of Economics.

Institute participates at the Conference “Space, Values and Power. Eurasian Cities and Regions in Transformation” (16-18 September 2018, Kyiv)
The conference brought together researchers, urban planning practitioners and civil society activists to discuss contemporary processes and challenges in urban development.
Institute will participate at the International Conference ‘Three Decades of Post-Socialist Transition’ (17-19 May 2019, Darmstadt) – CfA is now open!
From 17-19th May 2019 the international conference ‘Three Decades of Post-Socialist Transition’ is going to take place in Darmstadt, Germany. The Institute of Regional Studies and Urban Planning is organizing a session at the conference on the topic ‘New patterns of land appropriation in post-socialist space’. The call for abstracts is open until 10th of November 2018. We are looking forward to your contributions!
Lecturers by Professors of School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University
The lectures were provided within programm of academic mobility between HSE and Cardiff University. Professor Paul Milbourne Head of the School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University and Lecturer of School Andrew Williams visited Institute for regioanl studies and urban planning and gave two lectures (Brexit and the agri-food system in the UK: from migrant labour crises to the possibilities of food justice by Professor Paul Milbourne and Religion, spirituality and addiction treatment: new critical perspectives by Dr Andrew Williams).
Research seminar "Arctic Sustainability Across the 21st Century"
Lecturer was hold on Wednesday, March 22 within Arctic Expert Club HSE - NArFU by Paul Berkman is Professor of Practice in Science Diplomacy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts.
Institute at Forum on “Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities: striving for sustainable development goals” (19 - 20 May, Rome)
Director Irina Ilina made a presentation at Session 7: Smart sustainable cities in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: the way forward.
Institute at 24th NISPAcee Annual Conference 19 - 21 May, Zagreb
Carol Leonard and Evgenij Pliseckij took part at seminar of Working proup IV. Regional Development and Inter-regional and presented paper "Governance and Cross-regional Coordination in Russia’s Regional Transformation: Towards a More Cooperative Federalism"
Institute at The 7th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
Director Irina Ilina took part in Forum which held in Baku, Azerbaijan, 25-27 April 2016. The UNAOC 7th Global Forum will harness the multiple perspectives of various sectors to meet the challenge of, and progress towards, inclusive living in today’s increasingly diverse societies.
Institute at RSA Annual Conference 2016, Graz, Austria
Deputy director Evgenij Pliseckij took part in the Annual Conference 2016 "Building Bridges: Cities and Regions in a Transnational World" (3rd - 6th April) with the report "Sustainable infrastructure development model for Russian cities".