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Институт на Зимней конференции (Winter conference) 2015 "Great Transformation: Recasting Regional Policy" Ассоциации региональной науки (Regional Studies Association)

Директор Ирина Ильина и ведущий научный сотрудник Кэрол Скотт Леонард представили результаты исследования, посвященного анализу долговой нагрузки российских регионов (доклад "Russia’s Regional Endebtedness").

Программа Конференции:

Аннотация доклада:
This paper addresses the policies and conditions that have led to spreading endebtedness in Russia’s 85 regions.  The still evolving fiscal federalist system introduced procedures to foster long run projects and borrowing,  indeed in some instances foreign debt. However, the global financial crisis of 2008, which affected regional finance in 2009 and sharp shifts afterward, initially a policy of short-term equalization subsidies by the federal level to cover budgetary shortfalls and then their withdrawal after 2010, contributed to uncertainties. The continuing pressure imposed by constraints on the Russian economy, by volatile and falling energy prices, and by recent macroeconomic volatility has been accompanied by the build up of excessive regional debt. This paper focuses on causal factors and provides a spatial mapping to show measurement complexities, the importance of regional governance and regional financial capacity, that is, a diversity in the regional debt levels which lies in the background of the “excessive debt” picture.  We utilize materials from ROSstat to show the relationship of levels of well being and debt and to identify those regions most and least in financial difficulties. We then provide limited case studie materials to illustrate causation.​